Certificates and Diploma
Duration – 1 to 2 years
Description – Vocational and job oriented programs, mainly technical.
Associate Degree
Duration – 2 years
Description – Equivalent to first two years of a 4-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor's Degree
Duration – 3 to 4 years
Description – And undergraduate degree which requires successful completion of secondary school. The duration of your course depends on the province and type of program although most courses last for 4 years. Certain provinces like Quebec have bachelor’s degree of 3 years.
Bachelor's Honors Degree
Duration – 4 years
Description – This will require getting a specific GPA or credits, a majors or a specialist program
Postgraduate Diploma
Duration – 1 to 2 years
Description – A post bachelor degree qualification
Master's Degree (by thesis)
Duration – 1 to 2 years
Description – Often referred to as research masters, this requires mandatory submission of thesis for assessment and course completion
Master's Degree (by non-thesis)
Duration – 1 to 2 years
Description – This is a taught master’s degree, not requiring thesis submission
Doctorate or PhD
Duration – 4 to 7 years
Description – Ph.D. is awarded when students complete dissertation and successfully defend their work before a panel of faculty members
Post-Doctoral Programs
Duration – No time limit
Description – Specialised research-oriented programs